Endurance Review: Kakookies a Healthy Snack that is gluten free.

Gelder Lewis rates Kakookies 4.5 out of 5.  

"I love cookies!  Of course it is not always a good idea to be chowing down on large bites of sugar, butter, carbs, and flour.  The good news is that Kakookies makes really delicious cookies that include all natural ingredients.  These tasty morsels are made of Oats, Dried fruits, and nuts.

What makes Kakookies different?  A gluten free cookie is hard to find.  And a gluten free cookie that does not use flour substitutes is even better.  These cookies are loaded with healthy goodness.  My favorite is the BOUNDARY WATERS BLUEBERRY.  I ate this cookie on a long day snowboarding and it really hit the spot.

This is a great food for the endurance athlete.  Because this is a cookie it is flat and light and can go on the road in a pocket.  The fact that these travel well makes them an excellent source of energy.

Next time you want some good nutrition to take with you check out Kakookies.  They are not super sugary.  All the natural flavors carry the taste."

 Read the entire review here.

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